Top 9 reasons that make short-term apartments a better choice than hotels
Although traveling brings about fun-filled experiences of most, what we miss is the comfort of a home while we are on the move. Usually, when you are traveling for a short-term basis –whether it is for the leisure of taking business trips, people tend to go for the hotel rooms for the purpose of lodging. However, this article argues in favor of Apartments in Belgrade and why they are a better option over the hotel rooms whenever you are traveling, essentially for long term business trips.
Although staying in a hotel room comes up with its own perks, you will face several ups and downs during the whole period. You will have to face the challenges that come with the rotating of staff members, mix-ups in the reservations, you will have to compete for the use of amenities at times, and there are some underlying hassles as well. Renting a short-term apartment can be the solution to all of your problems, so you can entirely focus on your work without any distractions.
Here we have listed a few reasons why renting an apartment for the short-term is better than staying in a hotel.
1-Apartments are economical:
If you look at the economy, you can save up 25-30% of your money by renting Apartments in Belgrade instead of a hotel room for your short stay. That is because you won’t be paying your lodging fee on a per night basis, rather you are opting for a bulk payment system.
2-The apartments are spacious:
The hotel rooms, even if you stay in business suites, can be cramped as compared to that of the apartments. After a point of time, you get constricted within limits of the hotel rooms, which makes one feel claustrophobic. And in case you are on a business trip, and you have to say in a hotel room for a few months, it will mess up with your mind, and you will want space to wander. Therefore, it is always better to rent an apartment instead of going to hotel rooms.
Read: How to Choose the Perfect Rental apartment in Belgrade
3-Homely feeling:
Whenever one is traveling, what they miss out the most is the feeling of staying in the comfort of a home. Although the impersonal style of a hotel suite could be appealing for a weekend stay, but cannot work in the long run. The longer you stay in a posh hotel room enclosed within walls, the more you are going to be homesick. However, when you rent Apartments in Belgrade , they will guarantee you the luxury combined with the feeling of home while away from yours.
4-Everything is limited to you:
When you opt for a furnished rental apartment for your short-stay, everything is yours, and you may use them as you please, without having to compete for the washing machine or your time in the swimming pool. You can enjoy the amenities as much as you like for as long as you want.
5-Enjoy the food:
It is definitely a perk that you won’t have to do your dishes is you eat at the hotel’s restaurant. But, imagine eating the same type of food almost every day for a month or longer and grow tired of it. What is served in the restaurant of the hotels may not match up to your dietary requirements, or meet with your desires, and you will have to pay a premium for the cheeseburger that you were craving for. However, when you have a furnished kitchen at your disposal in one of the rented Apartments in Belgrade, you can take charge to prepare something in the kitchen of your choice.
6-House-keeping services:
JAlthough when you stay in a hotel, you do not have to worry about the maintenance of your room or have to do your laundry. But, imagine that 7 am knock at the door even after you have put up the “Do Not Disturb” sign! When you stay in a short-term apartment, some of their services extend up to cleaning of the apartments on a weekly, bi-weekly, or another basis. You can leave the work to be done by the cleaning professionals.
When it comes to laundry, why do you need to pay extra for the dry-cleaning services and laundry charges, or pump coins into the washer as well as the dryer, when you can do it at any given point of time in your rented apartment in your machine? That is another reason we would always suggest you went to the rented apartments for your short stay instead of hotels.
7-Advantages of the amenities:
Most of the hotels do claim about providing you with indoor and outdoor amenities that include pool, spa, free Wi-Fi, common bars, restaurants, or gyms, and perhaps add a concierge service as well. But, with the increase in demand for the rented and some corporate rentals, these apartments have now started offering similar amenities to its inmates, so you do not have to share these luxuries with a large number of people.
8-Apartments are pet-friendly:
Apart from the service animals, most of the hotels do not have pet-friendly norms. However, the short-term apartments or corporate suites mostly allow you to bring your pet along, so you don’t have to board your pet away from you during your business trip.
9-You can stay at a place of your choice:
Typically, hotels are clumped with people when located in the areas of tourist interests, the corporate apartments have no such restrictions or obligations, and can be found in any place. That makes your stay even more comfortable because you won’t have to travel long distances in order to reach your destination. You can choose to rent Apartments in Belgrade in locations of your choice. This will reduce your commuting hours drastically.
Bottom Line:
There are several reasons as to why one should opt for the short-term Apartments in Belgrade for their business trips. When you stay in a homely environment, you get to concentrate on your work better, and you won’t be as homesick as you would rather be by living in a hotel room for a long time. Now, these rented corporate apartments on the higher side and more people are addressing their importance. It is time that you did too.
Are you looking for renting Apartments in Belgrade ? Well, then you are looking in the correct direction. At Stefanon Apartments, we make sure to listen to your needs and find a place for you that will cater to your requirements. Our aim is to provide satisfactory results to our customers and provide them with furnished apartments that will definitely make their traveling experience better. You can choose from the different locations listed in our folders to select the residence you would want to rent. We assure you that you won’t be disappointed. To make your bookings today call us at +381644299944 or you can email us at [email protected]